Wednesday, April 14, 2010

day 105 before and after

Here you can see.. just a plain old photo. I didn't like the background being in focus so I blurred it more. I then played with the curves.. then color balance to darken up the shadows to a darker blue, and then painted white on top at the bottom, blurred, lowered opacity to give it a dreamy effect.. and wholla done!

Monday, March 22, 2010

day 80 and 81

Running behind.. missed yesterday's 365 so here is yesterday's and today

Friday, March 19, 2010

Lookbook Inspiration "daisy chains & schoolyard games & a list of things we said we'd do tomorrow" by Ann N: "Twelve by Twelve Blouse"

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day 77 Before and After

I need to start using this more!!

I am doing it again.. not using my blog so I think Im going to start using it to post photos of inspiration.. and maybe outtakes I have never posted.. I want to start documenting my life more.. like a diary sort of. I can't wait for my vacay!!! SO EXCITED!! only 20 more days.. WOOP WOOP!!

Outtake from awhile back. Hope you like!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Day 62 Before and After

As you can see.. I had to balance myself on the ladder.. then slowly and patiently clone the ladder out.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

day 40 before - after